Return color(s) from the Faunalytics palette
Used to retrieve a single color or vector of colors from the Faunalytics color palette. In order, colors included are: green, amber (or orange), red, dark blue, light blue, blue. The following are not part of the Faunalytics color palette, but will be returned when requested: black, white, gray, light gray, dark gray. Variations of grays spelled with an "e" (e.g., dark grey) will also work.
- ...
One of the following: color name(s) in quotes, a number of desired colors (no more than 6), or nothing. Quoted colors must be a part of the Faunalytics color palette. If no value is provided, this function will return the base color palette with names.
- nameless
Return values without names when needed. FALSE by default.
- cbf
The current Faunalytics color palette is not colorblind-friendly. Setting this argument to TRUE will override the default Faunalytics palette and replace it with a colorblind-friendly palette (viridis::turbo). FALSE by default.